Sunday, September 2, 2012

Minuteman Missile NHS 21st Park, 12th State

On September 2, 2012 we visited The Minuteman Missile National Historic Site in near Wall, SD our 21st Part in our 12th State.

Minuteman Missile National Historic Site is the only National Park Service site devoted to Cold War History! The contact station is the starting point for all ranger-led tours of a Cold War era Launch Control Facility which controlled the operation of ten Minuteman II missiles for over 30 years. The contact station also includes exhibits, and artifacts as well as a brief orientation video that places the Minuteman Missile system in the historic context of the Cold War.

Yes, this is a Minuteman Missile in its silo not far from the highway near Wall, SD

The missile has been deactivated and the area is no longer restricted, or at least I don't think it is still restricted....

The first picture above was taken down through this glass.  I am sure when the missile were active this see through glass was not here.  This was Delta-09 Missile Silo.  From your phone, where you are now, you can listen to the whole story by dialing 1-605-301-3006  start with 1.
The missile is located behind me.  You can see the chain link fence and the Restricted Access sign

 The Visitor's Center is located 15 miles from the D-09 Missile in this "double wide"

NATIONAL TRAILS SYSTEM  12th State 22nd Park
The National Park Service administers many of the long-distance trials forming the National Trails System.  These include National Scenic Trails (NST) and National Historic Trails (NHT).

On our way back to Kansas from South Dakota we stopped at Lewis and Clark NHT in Omaha, NE.  They had an excellent 25 minute film describing the trip of Lewis and Clark.

Midwest Regional Office, "Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail" Omaha, NE

The stamps available in the National Trails System are numerous for each trail.  In our quest for 50 parks in 25 states we are only counting one stamp for each National Trails System, although they do meet the criteria of the "Ironbutt National Parks" challenge.

We started this trip in Leawood, KS on Friday August 31, 2012 and returned back to Leawood, KS on Monday September 3, 2012.  We traveled 1,832 miles.  At our stops at the National Park's Visitor Centers, besides the Lewis and Clark stamp, we also collected s  

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